Can Twitter help you and your online business ? If you are an online business owner, your first priority after developing your product or service is to find the people that will make your business a success. Marketing your business is a huge task !You have developed a plan for marketing your business or you are in the process of doing so. It might include article marketing, social network marketing and viral marketing.In the social network marketing section, don't forget the blue little bird called : Twitter. Twitter is more than just a site for keeping up with the minute details of everyday life. Surely, you've heard that celebrities and others twitter about their dinner plans, vacations and pop culture but those same people can be hearing from you about your business.Twitter is a micro-blogging forum. You can talk to anyone who wants to listen. It is a quicker way to get people interested in new product offerings, contests, prize giveaways and more. Twitter is free to use so you can post a link to your Twitter account on your business website or blog.One thing that is hard to keep up with is customer service. Providing timely customer service is the key to customer loyalty and increased sales. It is hard to manage email accounts when youare trying to market your business and fill orders.As an alternative - turn to Twitter. When a customer posts a customer service question you can reply or direct them to different areas of your website quickly. Instead of sticking by the telephone or using an answering service (especially for small businesses), connect with your customers from your PC or your mobile device.The platform is favorable for real-time communication with a group of people or one person at a time. Twitter allows you to send out new product information to your customer list. Your customers can tweet back or follow the link in your tweet to the website page with the new products.You can use various Twitter tools to make your business account easier to manage. Applications, such as TweetDeck, Twitterfeed, Twhirl and TrackThis can be used to manage business groups, get tweet notifications, send draft tweets to all of your customers, track packages and/or backup all business communication on Twitter.Go visit Twitter, and think off all the practical business applications that it could provide for the small business owner. It's is free to set up an account and accessible from home or mobile.Twitter can help keep communication easy and quick for your customers. Can Twitter help you and your online business ? If you are an online business owner, your first priority after developing your product or service is to find the people that will make your ... Read more » 1:00 AM